If your ports have multiple options (for example mine can be configured in software for RS232, RS422 and RS485) check them and most critically verify port settings are 9600 bps 8n1 parity with no flow control. For example, my desktop tower has a StarTech dual port PCIe card in it which I had to load drivers for after I installed it but has worked flawlessly on my AMD Ryzen 7 beast since. You should see your serial port defined, if not it means you don't have a driver or Windows isn't recognizing the hardware. Under Windows Device Manager (WIN+X and then M in Win 10) scroll down and find "Ports (COM & LPT)" and expand it. The DE-9 end plugs into your computer with a serial port. Important to note, these programming cables were only usable for the Astro 25 portable radios (XTSx500, XTS5000 and MT1500). Now if it has a USB A male plug and the DB-25, you have the USB version (can't find mine right now otherwise I'd provide the PN for that). If it says anything else, you don't have the right cable.

On the plastic housing there should be a part number which says RKN4106 and then an alpha character for the revision (mine are both A revisions, don't know if a B revision was ever made). About 6" up from the DE-9 there should be an inline plastic housing. Should have three connectors, female DE-9, male DB-25 and then the Jedi connector. You have a programming cable with a serial interface on it. Can someone please give me some reliable information on what i need to do to get it to read my radio. Ovcourse motorola wont help as its discontinued. Ive tryed it for both serial port on my computer and the usb serial port nothing works. When i open cps and select com 6 it says radio failed to acknowlage and when i select usb it says somthing like no radio connected to usb. I went out and bought a serial to usb and it shows com 6 when i plug in the radio. I plug it in to my setial port and it wont show up in device manager.

I have r20._(cant remember the rest of the version but know its the latest) cps i payed $450 for a ribless cable from my local motorola dealer so its legit. What all do i have to do to program the xts2500? There is so much conflicting information like theres a programming mode or just turn it on and click read radio or you need win xp but people used win 10 push ptt and orange button or push ptt and the z button click the lowest button 6 times ect.